Personality Development of a Child: Ways to Boost the Memory

Memory is an essential aspect for development of the brain. It helps create a strong foundation for the learning of a child, and also impacts everyday life. Possessing a great memory can aid a child to perform better in school and boost grades.

But, in order to have a sharp memory, it has to be practiced and used more frequently, because people are not born with skills like these. The more they are put into use, the more they are developed. To boost a child’s memory, it is essential for them to practice and exercise their memorization muscles. Suggesting 12 ways to boost a child’s memory:

1. Make learning fun for kids:

Encourage your child’s learning by making it interesting. Check out new books on the topics, or even videos for the child to watch. Visiting a museum to know more about the topic will make it easier for the child to remember. If a child has fun during learning, remembering it would be a piece of cake.

2. Encourage questions:

The first step to be able to remember any information is understanding the topic. Encourage your child to ask questions, this will ensure that the child has deeper comprehension of the topic, which will help in recalling more easily. It also boosts the child’s critical thinking ability.

3. Remember by rhymes and songs:

Our brains remember music and patterns better, and creating rhymes, poems or songs from information can help the child recall better and boost memory.

4. Practicing reasoning and critical thinking questions:

Making your child practice reasoning questions will help develop the critical thinking skill of your child. Critical thinking impacts memorization skill of children, and will also improve the child’s reasoning in everyday life. Swastick book box [] provides a wide range of reasoning and aptitude based questions for students of class 1 to 8.

5. Encourage active learning:

Encourage the child’s desire to learn by having frequent discussions of different topics, asking the child his/her opinions. Interactive sessions encourage the children to keep repeating the information of the topic long enough that they are able to remember it and can answer questions at any time about that topic. This improves memory and develop critical thinking.

6. Make mind maps:

Make your child create mind maps of the topic. Mind maps provide a short yet effective way of memorizing a topic. They help the child to engage in the topic, creating a deeper understanding of that topic. This improves the memory of the child.

7. Use visual aids/Pictorial Representation of Information :

Children tend to remember pictures and videos better than written information. So using flashcards, mind maps, or information flowcharts with images will create a long lasting impression in the child’s mind. This method helps to help your child memorize keywords and to create a better understanding of the topic.

8. Create a list of keywords:

Have your child to make a list of important terms and make links between them. This helps the child to learn the words more efficiently.

9. Get your child to make own examples:

By creating his/her own examples, the child relates to his/her personal experiences and this enables the child to process the given materials quicker. Linking material and information guides the child to remember more information.

10. Break information into smaller pieces:

Children find it easier to remember small-sized information rather than a big amount of information at once. Start with the basics, little by little and then start building the concepts from there. Organizing the information will help the child to grasp the concepts quickly and will help to remember later.

11. Ask your child to teach you:

Motivating the child to teach and explain the concept learnt helps the child to recall what he/she has just learnt. It also provides a challenge to the child to see how much he/she has actually grasped. You can then go back and explain to the child once more the topics that have not registered with him/her.

12. Engaging by using all senses:

The more interactive and fun the session is, the more easily the child will be able to grasp the concept. Using placards and flashcards, having discussions, etc. will help the child to engage in the topic and connect with it. This will enable the child to learn the topic quickly, and will be able to recall it at any time.

Using these tips you will be able to ensure the development of your child’s memorization skills, and boost his/her learning capability.

  • 27 Apr 2020
  • 08:10 AM

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